Kountouriotou 73 Nea Krini 55132

Opening hours
Monday - Friday: 9am - 9pm
Saturday: 9am - 3pm

Discover unique fragrances and skincare products that reflect your personality. Take advantage of flexible shopping options and fast shipping to enjoy your favorite fragrances in your space.

Terms of Use

The USER, who will make purchases through this website, promises and accepts that they meet the legal requirements for entering into the contract and that they are an adult. The USER undertakes to provide truthful and not false personal information in order to accurately process transactions and avoid potential issues.

The present website constitutes the online store of the individual business under the trade name 'ΜΑΡΙΑ ΤΣΙΡΤΣΩΝΗ' and the distinctive title 'Le Parfumeur Salonique,' headquartered in Nea Krini, Thessaloniki, Kountouriotou 73, with VAT number: 150985662, Tax Office: ST 4 Thessaloniki (hereinafter referred to as the company). Any communication with the online store can be made at the website address and the contact phone +306975610137.

  1. Correct User Information Statement. When placing an order, all information provided by the USER must be true and accurate. To avoid inadvertent errors, it is advisable for the USER to double-check all order details before completing it. Your obligations as a Customer. You are responsible for:
  2. Select your product.
  3. The telephone and postal expenses for communication with, if any, will be covered by the customer.
  4. The shipping and delivery expenses for the products to the buyer's residence are not included, unless stated otherwise.
  1. Transaction Receipt. Placing an order through the website is equivalent to acknowledging that the debts as well as other actual incidents related to the use of will be evidenced by excerpts from our books, which reflect the status of your order and to which you acknowledge and attribute full probative force. Additionally, you acknowledge that any data stored locally on the electronic computers of or in electronic data storage areas of internet service providers fully prove your activities on the website of and all relevant actual incidents. Right to refuse an order. The COMPANY, although it has made every possible effort to ensure that both the characteristics and prices of the products are accurate, retains the right not to accept an order for products that contain inaccuracies or a wrong price, e.g., due to typographical error or due to technical errors in the operation of the website or for any other reason. The COMPANY also reserves the same right in the case of an order with a very high price, as well as the right to contact the USER. Moreover, the COMPANY reserves the right, at its absolute discretion, to contact specifically in the case of a person who has ordered products on delivery without any justification repeatedly in the past. In this case, the COMPANY may also request payment of the price and any expense by deposit into a bank account.

Before you enter the online store and browse our website, we invite you to consult the following terms and conditions that apply to the use of our online store. Please ensure that you agree with the following terms and conditions, as your further use and browsing of the above website implies your explicit and unconditional consent and agreement with them. For the purposes of this, you will be referred to as the USER.

The USER of the website is called upon, before browsing it, to read and comply with the terms and conditions that govern its use, which are binding for him, and to unconditionally accept them, as formulated by the COMPANY. It is expressly agreed that the COMPANY is not responsible for any damage or loss suffered by the USER or any third party due to the improper observance of the terms of use of the website by the USER.

The COMPANY reserves the right to modify or renew the terms and conditions of transactions according to its needs and business practices. The modification or renewal will be effective from the moment this text is updated for any changes. However, the change of terms does not apply retroactively and does not affect orders that you have already placed. For this reason, users of the website are required to regularly check the terms for any changes, as the COMPANY may make changes, withdraw a product, restrict access to a part of the website, etc. at any time.

The COMPANY shall not be liable to the USER for any reason if the website is not available at a given time or for any period, or if, due to a technical problem, a product appears to be available when it is not. The website may experience technical errors (including but not limited to errors in photos, prices, text, etc.) which the company strives to correct as soon as possible. The COMPANY is only liable for willful misconduct and gross negligence in case of delays in the delivery of ordered products and for information provided or services provided through the website. The COMPANY is not responsible for any technical issues that users may encounter when accessing the website and during their use of it, which are related to the operation or compatibility of their own infrastructure for using the website. Furthermore, the COMPANY bears no responsibility for the actions or omissions of third parties, especially unauthorized third-party interventions in products, services, or information provided through it. The COMPANY makes every effort to provide high-quality services. However, cases of errors in prices and secondary product features cannot be excluded, and it cannot be guaranteed that there will be no interruptions in the operation of the website or technical typographical errors during updates or product price listings. For the safety and effectiveness of your purchases, if you find that a product is offered at an unusually low or high price compared to its market value, please contact the Customer Service Department at +306975610137 or via email at before placing your order, daily from 11:00 to 19:00.

The content, logos and software of the website are intellectual and / or industrial property of the COMPANY or third parties contractually connected to the COMPANY. Therefore, the content of the site is made available to the USER for personal use only and in no case for public or commercial use. The right granted to him is UNLIMITED. The USER is not allowed to publish, manipulate, distribute or otherwise reproduce, in any form whatsoever, anything appearing on this website as it is MENTAL PROPERTY. In addition, you may not modify or create derivative works based on any software or accompanying documentation provided by the website . The Trademarks, the Logos and the website of the COMPANY cannot be used without prior written permission of the COMPANY while damages and any offences with the use of its name are restored by the USER who is solely responsible.

The COMPANY explicitly guarantees that it has taken all necessary technical and organizational measures to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all user data. Backup systems, virus protection, protection against malicious actions, and more are some of the precautions the COMPANY takes to ensure the smooth operation of its system. However, when creating an account, the USER promises to take all appropriate security measures on their part to keep their account information confidential. The COMPANY declares that it is not responsible for restoring any damage or loss arising from the failure to observe the necessary security rules on the part of the USER and that the safe exit from the account (log out) along with the non-disclosure of personal account information to any third party is the USER's responsibility.

The USER can navigate the website without being asked for any personal information by the COMPANY, unless explicitly informed otherwise by the COMPANY in advance. At the time of placing an order, personal details such as the user's name, email address, phone number, home address, and delivery address will be requested by the COMPANY. These details are necessary for the processing of online sales and for keeping the USER informed about the order. In this case, the USER automatically consents to the collection of these personal data by the COMPANY. In any case, these are essential pieces of information for the execution of online sales and the communication with the USER regarding them. In this context, the USER undertakes to provide these details accurately and truthfully and to promptly inform of any changes. The COMPANY complies with the relevant legislation on the protection of personal data. The COMPANY will not disclose or publicize personal information to third parties without the USER's consent unless required by the law. According to the relevant legislation on personal data, the USER has the rights of information, access, and objection as provided for by articles 11-13 of Law 2472/1997. The information requested by the COMPANY for the transaction is safeguarded in every possible way but may be transferred to third parties cooperating with the company for the completion of the process. The phone number and delivery address for products are provided to the responsible delivery company (ACS courier) to enable the delivery process.

The basic product features for items available for sale are displayed on this website in their respective sections. Due to technical reasons related to the website, web browsers, or mobile device access, there may be slight discrepancies between the displayed product and the actual product, such as variations in color shades, for instance. The COMPANY is not responsible for any such discrepancies.

Orders must be placed in writing via the internet by completing and submitting the relevant Order Form available on the website Your order is considered received by from the moment you receive a confirmation email at the contact email address you have provided. Your order is considered binding when the order status shows "Under Shipment" or "Available for Pickup." The buyer must check the Registration Confirmation and inform the COMPANY in writing immediately or no later than 12 hours from the time of receiving the electronic notification, of any possible errors. Otherwise, the details mentioned in the Registration Confirmation will apply to this Agreement.

Before submitting the Order Form, it is considered that the following elements and information have become known: The prices of the various products shown on the pages of the website include VAT at the rate prescribed by law. The prices of the online store can change at any time without warning. bears no responsibility and does not cover price differences for products purchased from a physical store of, which the customer later discovered to have a lower price in the online store or vice versa. Various product offers are valid until stocks are exhausted. In case of limited availability of a product that is on offer, reserves the right to execute the relevant orders with the criterion of satisfying as many of its customers as possible or the orders placed by different/separate users.

The cost of the products may vary. The COMPANY declares that all prices included on the website are subject to such changes, for which the USER will be duly informed. Furthermore, the products of the COMPANY are available subject to stock availability, for which the USER will be duly informed.

The COMPANY reserves the right to check product availability in case they are not available when ordering. In such a case, the COMPANY has the right to decline the specific order and, therefore, not proceed with the sale. Refunds for corresponding orders will be processed without further delay. Special Availability Cases are as follows:

  • Available: The product is available for immediate purchase on the website.
  • Available upon order: The product will be sourced from a supplier of the COMPANY, and the Customer will be informed about the availability of the product within 1-3 working days from the submission of their order.
  • Temporarily Out of Stock: Το προϊόν έχει εξαντληθεί ή καταργηθεί ή δεν αναμένεται άμεσα η παραλαβή του.
  • Offers & Coupons: The prices of these products are valid until stock is exhausted. For these products, a strict chronological order is followed in processing orders.

The COMPANY informs the Customer about the estimated delivery time of the ordered product. In any case, the COMPANY undertakes to deliver the ordered product within twenty-five (25) days from the confirmation of the order receipt. In case of a delay in the order, which is considered inconvenient for the Customer, the Customer is entitled to unilaterally cancel the order with a written statement (via email at In case of cancellation of the order and consequently termination of the sales contract, the refund will be made without further delay.

Non-availability of part of the order: If the lack of availability concerns only part of the order, the rest of the order is executed normally, unless the Customer declares that partial execution of the order does not serve their needs or interests, in which case the COMPANY shall be obliged to cancel the entire order.

Accurate User Information Declaration During the order process, all the information provided by the USER must be true and accurate. To avoid inadvertent errors, it is advisable for the USER to review all the order details before completing it. Your Responsibilities as a Customer. You are responsible for:

  • Select your product.
  • The telephone and postal expenses for communication with, if any, will be covered by the customer.
  • The shipping and delivery expenses for the products to the buyer's residence are not included, unless stated otherwise.

Shipment of an order through the website is equivalent to recognizing that the debts and other real incidents related to their use of the website will be proven by excerpts from our records, which reflect the status of your order and in which you acknowledge and attribute full probative power. Furthermore, you acknowledge that any data stored locally on the electronic computers of or in the storage spaces of internet service providers fully prove your activities on the website of and all related real incidents. Right to reject an order. The COMPANY, although it has made every possible effort to ensure that both the characteristics and prices of the products are accurate, reserves the right not to accept an order for products that mistakenly have incorrect characteristics or price, e.g., due to a graphic mistake or due to technical errors in the operation of the page, or for any other reason. Furthermore, the COMPANY declares that it reserves the right to refuse an order from a person who has not received and paid for products ordered for cash on delivery without justification on multiple occasions in the past. In any case, the COMPANY declares that it reserves the right to contact the USER in order to ensure the smooth completion of the respective order. In addition, the COMPANY reserves the right, at its absolute discretion, to communicate specifically in the case of a person who has ordered products for cash on delivery without justification on multiple occasions in the past with this person, and to request in this case the payment of the price and any expenses by depositing them in a bank account.

From the time of delivery of the ordered product by to the courier service, the risk passes to the buyer, and is not responsible for accidental damage or deterioration of the products. The products can be delivered to you anywhere within the Greek territory. The products will be sent to the location you have indicated on the Order Form via a courier service provided by ACS courier company. However, reserves the right to choose a different courier company or transportation company, even after the order for your products has been placed. If the area where you are located is considered inaccessible by ACS courier, your parcel will be held at the nearest ACS courier/Post Office to you. Shipments will be made daily, except on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. Additionally, is not responsible for loss, delivery delays, damage, or deterioration of the products during their transportation by any courier company. is not responsible for delays in execution (including delivery) that are due to cases that cannot be attributed to the fault of or are due to force majeure, during which an extension of the time for execution is allowed. Indicative examples of force majeure reasons may include strikes, terrorist actions, war, problems of suppliers / transportation / production, fluctuations in exchange rates, government or legislative acts, and natural disasters. If such incidents last for more than 2 months, this Agreement may be terminated by either party without compensation.

You can cancel your order at any stage of processing by contacting our Customer Service Department at +306975610137 or by sending an email to We are available daily from 11:00 to 19:00. Depending on the stage of progress of your order, will inform you about the available options.

The website offers users the option to order products that are available through the online store and pick them up from the central distribution point at Veronika Art Mode, located at 73 Kountouriwtou Street, Nea Krini. Specifically, customers can choose the product(s) they desire through the online store and pay for their purchase in cash upon pickup from the store, in the case of this specific option. This option is provided under the following terms and conditions:

- The customer must provide the necessary information for identity verification (i.e., full name, email address, contact phone number).

- In case it is determined that a user is abusing this option provided by Pro-tec hellas (e.g., repeatedly placing orders through the online store and not collecting them from the store, etc.), the latter may reject and refuse the order of such user via the store pickup option, as well as suspend the ability to submit electronic orders.

  1. Payment upon delivery of the order to your location (cash on delivery):

1.1. Pay the courier employee, upon delivery of your order at your place.

1.2. According to the current tax provisions, from 03.01.2012 documents of a value of more than 1.500€ to individuals (Retail Receipt) should be paid ONLY in the following ways:

  1. Pick up and payment of your order at our central distribution point. at 73 Kountourioto Street in Nea Krini, Thessaloniki.

2.1. At the final stage of order completion, select "pickup from store" in the Shipping Method. Your order will remain in the store you selected for a limited period of time after the order has been placed. The payment of the order will be made at the store's cash desk, upon receipt of the product, only in cash, and upon presentation of your ID (or passport).

For orders over €50.00:
The shipping cost is free for all of Greece.
For orders below 50.00 €:
The shipping cost is set at 3.00 € (delivery to your location).
Shipping costs for cash on delivery parcels are 5.00€ (delivery to your location).
Additional charges may apply for remote or hard-to-reach areas.
All charges apply to parcels weighing up to 2 kilograms. For orders weighing more than 2 kilograms, there is an additional charge of €0.70 for each additional kilogram, and there may be additional charges for remote areas.

In completely exceptional cases, your order may be delayed for the following reasons:

  1. The product has been delayed in production due to a shortage of raw materials. In such a case, we will contact you to ask if you would like us to proceed with the order without this product or if we can suggest an alternative. This item will be sent to you immediately after it is received in our warehouses.
  2. The product you ordered has been discontinued and is no longer available. In this case, an employee of will contact you immediately to inform you about possible alternative solutions.
  3. In periods of extreme weather conditions or strikes, as well as in any case of force majeure that may affect the transportation and delivery of your order.
  4. In case it is not possible to contact you by telephone and/or via email (e-mail) due to, for example, incorrect information you have provided, either regarding the product or payment of it. In any case, if within sixty (60) days from the date of dispatch of the order, the order item has not yet been delivered to the recipient, the recipient has the right, upon the expiry of the above deadline, to withdraw from the order.
  5. Product Replacement. It is expressly agreed that the COMPANY will accept requests for product replacements only for reasons related to the size of the packaging and always subject to product availability within a period of fourteen days from the receipt of the product. In this case, the USER is responsible for the shipping costs of the products to the COMPANY, which are sent along with the payment receipt, and the COMPANY returns the new product to the USER at its own expense through the cooperating courier company. The COMPANY provides the USER with the right to replace the products purchased through the online store for reasons related not only to the online store but also to the central point of sale at Kountouriotou 73, Nea Krini, Thessaloniki, provided that the corresponding product code is available. In any case, however, the USER is obliged to present the retail receipt at the store he/she visits for replacement. In this case, the COMPANY recommends that the USER contact the COMPANY at +306975610137 before going to the store for replacement in order to check the availability of the products. The products must be returned in the condition in which the USER received them and with the packaging. Furthermore, in order for the replacement to be accepted, it must not have been used more than 1/5 of the quantity of the packaging, and part of the packaging must not have been destroyed. Exceptions. It is expressly agreed that no request for replacement will be accepted in the event that the product is sold as a package. In this case, the USER may replace all the products, provided, however, that the packaging has not been opened, with another one that may be offered in a different color or size. Replacement due to the existence of a real defect in the product or due to the lack of a contracted property of it. It is expressly agreed that the USER has the right to replace the products or refund his money, etc., in accordance with the relevant provisions on the sale of articles 534 and following of the Civil Code, subject to all relevant rules in the event of the existence of a defective product or due to the lack of a contracted property of it, provided that this is established, of course, after checking by the COMPANY of the returned product, as already mentioned above under point G1.12. In this case, the costs of returning the products, which will be done through the cooperating courier company, are borne by the COMPANY. Even in the case of replacing a defective product, the products must be returned in the condition in which the USER received them and with the packaging. Furthermore, in order for the replacement to be accepted, the sales receipt must be returned.

You have the right to return the products you purchased, at your own risk, and without being obliged to inform us of the reason for their return, within a period of fourteen (14) calendar days from the date you receive them, provided that they can be returned in their original condition. To avoid any inconvenience, it is advisable to carefully check the condition of the products sold and the integrity of their packaging at the time of delivery of your order, in order to detect any visible defects (e.g., damaged goods, etc.). In the event that you discover any defects, you must contact our online store immediately after delivery and no later than the next working day, at tel. +306975610137 or via email, at the address Returns are accepted only if the products you wish to return are in the same condition as you received them, meaning they have not been unsealed, and their packaging or any kind of labels has not been violated, and they are accompanied by the relevant proof of purchase. The company reserves the right to claim compensation for any deterioration in the overall condition of the products. The mere receipt of the returned products cannot be interpreted as unconditional acceptance of them and does not result in the waiver of any claims for compensation or other rights of the company. For the handling of defects or deficiencies in the agreed properties of the sold items, the provisions of the civil code apply. To be considered an agreed property, it must be certified as such in writing by both parties. In the event of product returns, depending on both the payment method you chose for your order and the method of their return, your refund will be completed within thirty (30) calendar days from the date we receive the products. The refund can be made by crediting your account, which you will communicate to the company.

Furthermore, in all cases, the returned product must necessarily be accompanied by the original proof of purchase. Also, in all the above cases, the returned products must be in the same condition as when received by the customer, complete and undamaged, with their packaging intact as it normally accompanies the product (in perfect condition, along with all the documents that accompanied the product, such as the Retail Receipt, etc.). Before any return, it is advisable to contact the customer service department of In any case, the return is possible provided you have contacted the Electronic Store on the same day or the next working day. Especially in the case of (1) exchanging the product within 14 days with another product or products up to the amount of the price or with an additional price or (2) withdrawal within 14 days according to article 5 par. 10 of Law 2251/1994, the product must not have been used. To make the return of the product possible, the product must be accompanied by all the necessary documents that prove the transaction (e.g., DAT, Retail Receipt, etc.). This Agreement does not affect any consumer rights provided by the law.

Severability of contractual terms: If any part of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable by a court decision, the remainder of the Agreement shall continue to be valid. Invalid or unenforceable terms shall be replaced with terms that as closely as possible reflect the meaning and purpose of the invalid or unenforceable terms from an economic perspective. Assignment of rights and substitution of obligations: may enter into agreements to assign its obligations or rights to a third party. All notifications must be made in writing (by hand, via email, or by first-class mail, which shall be deemed delivered 48 hours after mailing). Any delay in exercising any right shall not be considered a waiver of that right, which may be exercised by the parties at any time.

This Agreement shall be governed by Greek law, especially the regulations governing electronic commerce, distance sales, and consumer protection. Any disputes arising from this Agreement shall fall within the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Thessaloniki. Order Archive: The COMPANY informs that it maintains an electronic archive of the respective orders, which the USER can access. The online store of the COMPANY operates in accordance with the applicable Greek and EU legislation and securely retains the personal data of the user for as long as they are registered with any of our store services, which are deleted upon request of the visitor/user. The user has, within the framework of the legislation on telecommunications privacy, the rights of information and objection provided for in Articles 11 to 13 of Law 2472/1997, as applicable from time to time. Cookies: The website uses cookie technology. Disabling cookies will make browsing the website difficult, which is why users accept this intervention from the outset. During your first visit to the website, a permanent "cookie" (a small text file) will be defined and stored on the user's hard drive. Cookies are used during your successive visits to the website for its "personalization.

You can visit the website without allowing the intervention of cookies, but you will not be able to use all the website's features or enjoy specific features. To change your cookie settings, refer to the "Help" menu of your browser. When a user visits the Company's website, the location data of the user may be recorded based on their IP address. This location usually concerns the broader geographical area in which the user is located. In cases where the registration and collection of the user's location data are done in a more specific manner, the browser requests the user's consent to store the exact details of their location. During the user's general browsing and navigation on the Internet, a "browsing history" is recorded according to the institutional function of Google Analytics. The Company may have access to this browsing history, allowing it to monitor the websites the user has visited, both before and after visiting the Company's website, while also recording information about the user's duration and movement on the Company's website.